The Making of a Helper

Adam and Eve – Part 2

Genesis 2:18

Mar 16, 2025

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig


I.     Introduction and Review


A.   We are studying the Book of Genesis, verse by verse


1.    Moses wrote Genesis as an inspired record of what happened at the beginning of everything – a true record

2.    He wasn’t there at Creation, but he wrote down what God said happened – it is the word of God, not of Moses


B.   We have worked through all of chapter one… the creation of the universe, the earth, of the sun moon and all the stars and planets, as well as the creation of life

C.   We are in Chapter 2, and have learned so far about the importance of a day of rest – the Sabbath – and the creation of the first man, Adam


II.   Review from Last Week


A.   The Making of a Man (Genesis 2:7)


1.    Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

2.    Made out of dust of the ground – even though we came from dirt, a human being is the most complex thing in the universe

3.    Breathed-into by God Almighty (Genesis 2:7) – given life – a miracle!

4.    And God gave him a SOUL and a spirit inside his body


a.     The real you inside you – just under the skin – invisible, but just as real

b.    The part of you that chooses, makes decisions

c.     That laughs and grieves

d.    That thinks and ponders and learns

e.     And it is the part of you that God so loved, that He gave His only begotten Son

f.     Because without Jesus, you will lose your soul forever in hell!

g.    Mark 8:36,37  For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?


B.   God made a Special Garden (Genesis 2:8-15) that Needed Work

C.   God made one rule - a commandment – “thou shalt not eat of it


1.    And with the commandment, God gave a warning

2.    He and all humans have been created with FREE WILL – Adam is given a commandment and a warning for him to choose between

3.    Pay attention to rules – especially to GOD’S laws

4.    Every choice WILL have consequences!

5.    And the consequences of sinning can go as far as death

6.    That is why we are told to FEAR the Lord – because there are consequences to ignoring God’s limits, and God’s rules, and God’s laws


D.   There was One More Thing to Make – A Help for Adam (Genesis 2:18)


1.    Not just a woman, and not even just a wife, but a help!

2.    Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.


E.   What “Pattern” are you following?


1.    Women today have followed the patterns of Hollywood, Fashion, Music, Margaret Sanger, Cartoons, Magazines, TikTok, Instagram, and Romance Novels

2.    They are called “influencers” – and they sure have influenced a lot of women!

3.    Today, the majority of divorces are initiated by women

4.    There were over 10,000 abortions of babies in Ireland last year, by women – men didn’t kill 10,000 babies, mothers did!

5.    The number of women and especially young women on antidepressants is skyrocketing

6.    Don’t you think women have been lied to long enough?


F.    The Perfect Pattern


1.    If churches refuse to teach biblical womanhood (or are AFRAID to), then women will never hear it. They’ll only be taught by the feminists, to be feminists. It’s all most women know. And it is one of the biggest reasons why our world is darker than ever!

2.    It is time women looked back in the pages of this Bible and see what GOD designed you to be – because His designs are perfect!

3.    And don’t be offended that I am talking mainly to you this morning ladies, and not to the men. They get their rear-ends kicked most of the time in this church. But today is your day! And not to just be rebuked, but to be encouraged!


III.         Message – just one verse this morning…


A.   The Man was Alone - and it was NOT good (Genesis 2:18)


1.    Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

2.    That is a strong statement – that something was NOT GOOD in the Garden

3.    It was not sinful or evil that Adam was alone

4.    It just was NOT how a man was designed to be


a.     The man was only half of a whole, physically and emotionally.

b.    Adam needed God for sure


1)    No man can ever be complete or whole without GOD – no matter how loving a family, or how successful a business

2)    But with God ruling in his life, a man is complete in Christ spiritually

3)    Colossian 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.

4)    When a man humbles himself, and repents of his sinfulness, and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ to save him, he becomes perfectly righteous in the sight of God. It is called being born again!


c.     But that is not all we need.


1)    Or else we would all stay single, never marry, and never want children and grandchildren!

2)    We men were designed incomplete, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

3)    Only God can fill the spiritual hole in us

4)    But the physical and emotional pieces need someone else


5.    So Adam needed another human with him


a.     He was not designed to be a bachelor all his life

b.    Adam needed more than a friend, a buddy, a partner

c.     He needed a wife

d.    But God doesn't call her a wife…


1)    Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

2)    He could have said, “I will make him a wife…”

3)    Instead, he said “I will make him an help

4)    The help God was going to make was better than any man could ever be for Adam, better than a brother could be, better than a mother or a father

5)    The help God was going supply Adam with, was in the life of a wife

6)    Genesis 2:24,25  Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife...


B.   Adam was a Man who Needed Help (Genesis 2:18)


1.    Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help [ALWAYS PAUSE HERE] meet for him.

2.    Ladies… don’t say amen! That’s rude! (heh, heh, heh)

3.    Adam was Not Complete when he was Created


a.     Adam lacked nothing to be able to walk with God, and worship, and do right, and live and work, and run and build and dig, and enjoy life

b.    Adam was NOT a cripple

c.     Not stupid. Not an idiot. Not insensitive

d.    Not a Homer Simpson

e.     But simply “incomplete” – not whole! (Remember this statement).

f.     Man was DESIGNED that way!


4.    Designed and Built Incomplete in Every Way


a.     Most men try really hard to NOT need help


1)    We were taught to be this way – self-sufficient

2)    Men by nature do not like asking directions, for advice, or help


b.    But God did not design Adam to be a superman

c.     God created Adam with some big needs


1)    To need God – atheists deny their most important need

2)    To need air and water and food and rest

3)    To need a purpose, and work, and accomplishments


d.    And… he was designed to need a wife


1)    God designed a man who was incomplete without a wife.

2)    He lacked companionship, and someone to share his life with, and to give his life for when needed!

3)    …He was alone!


5.    So, God announced all over heaven that He would make for Adam that missing part… a helper


a.     God was going to make something that God Himself did not supply

b.    Something that this world could not supply – that his work could never satisfy


6.    God was going to make a woman


C.   The Woman God Gives Will Be His Match (His Meet) (Genesis 2:18)


1.    Genesis 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

2.    There is a lot of meaning in this word…

3.    A ‘meet’ is a Mate

4.    Someone near, someone fitting him like a suit, someone attached to him

5.    The second most important part of the man’s life – next to God

6.    His Counterpart


a.     Someone who may be opposite, but in a good way

b.    Not a clone – But a Mirror image of his life – reflecting HIS image, not hers

c.     Someone facing him - not in opposition, but complimenting him

d.    Filling in the gaps and the things missing in his life

e.     Not a slave, but an added strength for him


7.    All that and more, is what a wife does! That is what a wife... IS!


D.   So, What is a Wife in God's Eyes?


1.    What She is to God. Before she can be anything to her husband, she needs to know who and what she is to God!

2.    A gift from God - God's gift to a man is his wife! (Proverbs 19:14)


a.     Mark 10:9  What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

b.    They didn’t just find each other and “just” get married

c.     She is an absolute miracle


1)    That someone would love a man – body odor, snoring, scruffy beard

2)    That she would accept God’s direction for her life to be intertwined with someone so opposite to her

3)    That she would lose her life into his

4)    MEN need to realise this very fast!


d.    A wife was made specially for a man


1)    1Corinthians 11:8-9  For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

2)    You can disagree all you want with ME, but you cannot disagree with the Bible


3.    Loved by God


a.     The woman was not created last-minute – haphazardly, as an after-thought

b.    She was specially designed and made, different than Adam was

c.     She was lovingly created, with the same intensity that God showed towards Adam’s formation

d.    Romans 1:7  To all that be in Rome, beloved of God… [THAT IS YOU]

e.     Ephesians 2:4,5  But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

f.     1John 4:19  We love him, because he first loved us.

g.    Not just the Adam’s, but the Eve’s too!

h.    The devil does not want you knowing this truth!


4.    Needing Her Creator (Genesis 1:27)


a.     Romans 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

b.    Every woman has her own need for God, and needs her own walk with God – her own time reading her Bible, and praying, and worshipping God

c.     Adam cannot be the only one who trusts God and believes God and loves God

d.    For her to love her husband right, she needs to know the love of God, and express her own love for God

e.     Do YOU have such a need?


5.    Equal before God in Christ


a.     Yes, she has a different role in life than her husband, and has to submit to his lead

b.    But a wife is made in the same image of God that Adam was

c.     Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

d.    She has an eternal soul that is just as priceless as Adam’s

e.     To God, every woman is worth His Son dying for to save (John 3:16)

f.     As a matter of fact, God says a REAL man puts the life of his wife and children ahead of his own! That’s a pretty good deal!


E.   What a Wife is to a Man


1.    A Help First and Always


a.     A man does NOT need someone who can replace him, or is better than him – man does not need a competitor – he needs a helper

b.    And yes ladies, men need to BE helpers, especially in the home, but let’s deal with you this morning, okay?

c.     Someone who fills in the gaps in his character, and habits


1)    When you marry a man, I pray that he is everything you need him to be…

2)    BUT, he will have flaws – loads of them

3)    And your job is to know them BEFORE you get married – MOST DO NOT KNOW MUCH ANYMORE

4)    And agree to make up for them AFTER you get married – not mock them, or abuse them or constantly criticize them – IS ANYONE LISTENING?


d.    A wife is someone who protects and strengthens her husband’s weaknesses


1)    Abraham was a liar – Sarah had to deal with that, and trust God when he put her in danger by his lying

2)    Jacob was a hustler, and a deceiver, and his wives had to work with that flaw constantly until he got converted

3)    David, Solomon, Noah, and Adam all had their serious flaws

4)    But their wives did not abandon them – even though they could have

5)    David was made a better man by Abigale

6)    Adam was made a better man by his wife Eve

7)    Make YOUR man a better man instead of destroying him every time he fails




1)    I know you believe you need to correct your husband, and fix your husband, and humble your husband, and convert your husband…

2)    But he does not need THAT kind of “help”

3)    What kind of “help” does a man need?


a)    Be a help with the work of life – work alongside him in the garden, not alongside another man

b)    Be a help with producing children – he can’t do it on his own

c)    A help with raising children – they need the example of BOTH parents in your home, loving each other, pleasing one another, serving one another

d)    A help with the burdens of life – be his comforter, encourager – best friend

e)    A help with seeing things from other viewpoints – you have great ideas and views and opinions – just don’t think HIS are always bad!

f)     A help with worship and obeying God – both of you together can help each other worship and praise God better than when alone! (Psalm 34:3)  O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.

g)    A help in a ministry – the two of you are supposed to be one when it comes to serving God, using your different talents / gifts like Aquila and Priscilla

h)    Just loving him even though he is imperfect and fails helps a man!


4)    A wife should not always rely only on her husband’s help, but should yield herself to BEING a help to him


a)    Like she does with her children naturally

b)    And with her parents

c)    Be a help to your man in the same ways!


5)    Some women have been so angry and so hurt for so long, they forgot to be a help to their husbands, and instead have become an adversary!

6)    The Bible describes them as contentious, brawlers, odious, angry, stubborn, hard

7)    None of those things are what YOU ladies were designed to be!


f.     Be a Blessing


1)    A Wife is a blessing to a man’s life


a)    Proverbs 31:10-12  Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

b)    Corinthians 7:34  There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.

c)    Don’t ignore this instruction and pattern to follow


2)    She is a crown to her husband – she makes HIM look good!


a)    Better than success on a job, or money in the bank

b)    Proverbs 12:4  A virtuous [PURE] woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

c)    1Corinthians 11:7-9  For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.


3)    She is someone to enjoy


a)    Proverbs 5:18  Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

b)    Ecclesiastes 9:9  Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.


4)    Instead of complaining, and fault-finding, Be someone who prays for your husband – as if his success and your survival depends upon it


a)    Do you only see all the faults, and the wrongs? They are there!

b)    Don’t talk about those wrongs until YOU have prayed passionately for them to be corrected by God FIRST! And until YOU have tried to graciously help him

c)    Pray for your husband to not be overcome of evil, or the devil, or the world

d)    Pray for him like you pray for your children

e)    Pray like a warrior, fighting for your marriage, not ever against it


IV.More About Eve, Next Week – we have only just begun to learn about Eve

V.   Conclusion


A.   Don’t be offended at God’s list for women

B.   God’s list of expectations for men is much longer!

C.   Men and women, husbands and wives ARE different – have different roles – designed differently on purpose for good reasons

D.   So, Instead of Striving to be Like Hollywood, strive to be like the original design

E.    Because the two of you can make a great marriage – and we will see that as we continue in Genesis chapter 2

F.    Is there a way to become a helping wife? Yes!


1.    Maybe you haven’t been following the right pattern

2.    But you can be changed! Ou can be TRANSFORMED yourself ladies! How?


a.     By an Awareness of how you have followed the wrong patterns – movies, music

b.    By Repentance towards God – taking responsibility for following the wrong examples

c.     And by humbling yourselves, and resolving to start doing the right things in your relationship with your husband, accordimng the the right examples

d.    All because you love the Lord Jesus, who is your best example and your Lord!


G.   Is Jesus your Lord? He has to be your Saviour first!